Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama 44th President of the United States of America



The politicking of such exotic topics seemed all too alien when it came out from the mouth of the most foreign sounding political nominee too ever run for office. All election, he looked so much different than everyone else, he stuck out at every political convention like a sore thumb.


Maybe this country is ready to believe in something different. This man has placed upon himself a huge burden of expectations that he may not be able to live up to. But good for him for trying. The times they are tough, and the people need the hope. The situation is sever and he creates within himself a rallying point to come together. This country needs to stay together, for individually we are weak, but together America is strong.

I am so proud.
That he could create this hope in the first place.
That America has lived up to the Democratic fairytale we were told growing up.
That for once more people in this country can dream themselves to the top.
That more people of every demographic stood up on election day and demanded to be heard

In the history of politics in America, voter turnout has never accurately represented the actual adult population inhabiting this continental space. American suffrage has come along way and so too has America’s own irrational ignorance. "One vote can't make a difference" , "All Politicians are all the same".

No they Aren't, and Yes we Can

America is social contract between a large group of people, and a record number of people moved policy, made a decision, overcame fear mongering, and dared to Hope tonight.
This election result is epic. I believe that whatever tomorrow brings today will go down in history as a positive turning point for civilization. I am getting a little ahead of myself but do not allow yourself to be mad for having great expectations. Those expectations aren't a manipulation that burden you, he will carry that burden. Move forward and embrace the very fact that we can feel this alive in this time about our future as a people. Watch him for he wants to be watched and help him when he asks for your help. He will need all the help he can get.

Federico Cuellar

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